As a boutique company, we are committed to high-end personal touch service devoted to you.

Sage Lodge Montana



Sage Lodge guestrooms make it extremely enticing to simply relax in front of the fireplace or stretch out on our cozy beds and crack open a few books (or spirits, for that matter). It’s the perfect locale to gather and make plans for the day, or wind down and relive the adventures you just enjoyed. 


Break away from the office this spring and bring the team together at Sage Lodge. Our luxury resort offers the perfect setting for a corporate retreat with spacious guest rooms, picturesque meeting facilities, a spa, and numerous indoor and outdoor activities.


The splendor of this rural resort includes 38 guestrooms, with 34 in the main lodge and four stand-alone Ranch Houses with four guestrooms each.


The Grill – our world-class dining room overlooks the Yellowstone River and combines stunning 360-degree views with exceptional Montana-inspired cuisine. Rustic Montana meets contemporary steakhouse in the heart of Paradise Valley.

The Fireside Room for Montana-inspired indoor and outdoor dining, including Room Service so you can dine in the comfort of your own room

The Spa – offers a menu of massages, facials, and body treatments, plus an outdoor therapy pool, steam room, and sauna

Private/Guided Experiences ranging from Yellowstone National Park Tours and llama meet & greets, to mixology classes and private dinners.


Located just one hour from Bozeman Airport